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 Odd Encounter (Arvon)

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Avena Daniels

Position : Stargazer First Mate
Posts : 11
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PostSubject: Odd Encounter (Arvon)   Odd Encounter (Arvon) I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 12, 2013 11:34 pm

As soon as they had docked Avena had taken off. She could only take so much of her brother and the crew. There being only two girls within a crew of men could be a little... uncomfortable at times. It wasn't like she had never been on a ship crowded with men before, there had been times when she had been the only woman aboard.
   maybe it was the fact that her brother was the captain that this was different. Sometimes it was nice to have him as the captain, and to be the second in command wasn't too bad either. But sometimes it could get on her nerves, him calling the shots, and telling her what to do. For the most part he was an easy going young man... but sometimes he reverted to a side that she had never seen before, a darker more controlling side that, even though she wouldn't admit it, sometimes scared her.
   Sometimes the young woman needed time to herself, to think. Oh how her life had changed, how different Tray and herself were than when he had left. Avena had been devastated when Tray had left. He was her best friend and her role model... but when he left she became mad at him. After a few months she decided that rather than stay mad at him, she would spend her time practicing with a sword. When she was older, she followed in her brother's footsteps and left.
   the young woman had guessed that her brother had become a pirate or a merchant... she knew the man was not a fan of the government. Upon leaving she boarded a pirate ship and became a part of the crew. the captain was nice enough and had taught her more about the sword....
   the woman looked up, snapping out of her reverie. She was walking down a narrow road, of which was bustling with activity. There were merchants with carts, locals manning their small shops, and many people marveling at the various items that had come here form around the world. Where was she? Now that she thought about it, Tray had never told her where they were docking... she hadn't even asked.
   Sighing, Avena continued walking, looking at the various shops and carts as she walked by. The young lady stopped at many as she passed, looking at the produce or trinkets they contained. After a few hours of wandering around, she guessed her brother would be wondering where she was. He was probably anxious and would come looking for her. But she wasn't in a hurry, he would't leave without her. Besides, he needed time to get his crew of wasted men back aboard the ship.
   The fact that the men would be drunk was another good incentive for her to stay away, there was no telling what they might think, say, or do in their condition. No, she woud not step aboard that ship until they were locked away in their bunk and the key was in her hand. Of course they would be let out in the morning, but at least her and Aurelia would be safe for the night.... Maybe she could lock her nosy brother in there too....
   "out of the way!" a man shouted. Once again the woman was jolted from her thoughts. Turning to see where the shout had come from, she noticed a man running in her direction a second before he barreled past her. the man had shoved her out of the way as he passed, knocking her down. As she plummeted to the ground she felt someone catch her.... but who would help a random stranger? Aside from her and Tray of course. Most people in this world tended to be suspicious of everyone. Not knowing who worked for the government and who didn't, they tended to keep to themselves. When a conflict arose, they usually walked away or watched silently, not wanting to get involved.


Okay, so it's not the greatest, but this computer isn't the one i'm used to and i am out of practice, I hope it's not too bad.
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Silas Windwake

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PostSubject: Re: Odd Encounter (Arvon)   Odd Encounter (Arvon) I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 13, 2013 1:18 am

The small nondescript town was not the first place one would come seeking a relaxing escape from the world. The buildings were small and plain, with simple thatched roofs and shuttered windows. The market place with its many stalls was equally uninteresting, with its normal wears, it was truly a boring place. Yet it bustled with life as commoners went about their days, blissfully unaware of the danger that had walked into their town. No, this place was certainly not somewhere you'd go to escape the numb droll of work. This little town would not serve to break up the monotonous pattern that many fall into, and unless you counted the local bar there were no tourist attractions. No one seeking fun or relaxation would come here, it was the perfect place for Silas to escape to. These quiet towns where little happened were a nice break compared to his normally chaotic life. Somehow he had a knack for finding trouble where it not ought to have been, in coming to this town he was hoping to avoid all of that.

But of course the fates took great pleasure in throwing trouble his way and seeing how he reacted to it, you'd think by now he'd get used to his peace being shattered. In a way he was, but thoughts of his peaceful day had not entered his mind when he saw that woman falling. He had reacted on instinct, moving with a speed and grace more befitting an eagle in flight then a teenage boy. The lady fell against his chest as his outstretched arms grabbed her preventing her from falling any farther. He had seen the swords and attire of the woman in the second she had caught his attention and was ready for a sudden hostile reaction. Not many people took kindly to others saving them in front of a bunch of people, some considered it rather embracing and lashed out in anger toward the person who had done them a selfless kindness. With his luck he'd get one of these people and she'd try and stick him with one of those pointy swords.

An action that wouldn't kill him but would hurt like crazy and he wished to avoid the pain and the awkward moment when he explained why he hadn't died while her blade remained stuck in his chest. Still he'd remain polite and was honestly concerned for her. "Well, that was rude." He said, nonchalantly allowing her to stand back up again. With that he smiled, his eyes flashing with a mischievous light. Then with a nod of his head, he walked away wishing to put as much distance between himself and those sharp sticks.
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Avena Daniels

Position : Stargazer First Mate
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PostSubject: Re: Odd Encounter (Arvon)   Odd Encounter (Arvon) I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 26, 2013 1:52 am

Looking up at her savior she realized it was a young man. "Well, that was rude." he said, while allowing her to stand up. As soon as he'd come, he'd left. Turning around and walking away. Avena guessed he had noticed her swords and worried she's become hostile.
The young woman wasn't about to let him go unthanked and thinking she was like anyone else. Avena jogged to catch up with him, "Hey, wait!" She shouted. As she drew up next to him she spoke, "How do you expect a girl to thank you if you walk away before she gets the chance."
She walked along with him, waiting for his reply. The young man looked close to her age, maybe a bit younger. He was handsome and apparently kind. If not, then why would he help her?
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PostSubject: Re: Odd Encounter (Arvon)   Odd Encounter (Arvon) I_icon_minitime

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