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 Ship Items and Accessories

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Join date : 2013-01-28
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PostSubject: Ship Items and Accessories    Ship Items and Accessories  I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 29, 2013 8:27 pm

This is where all the thought of accepted items are kept that go on a ship. Things can always be added at the suggestion of a member, make a new thread to suggest something to be added, same with adding something from the list to a ship.


~Power Fans


~Sonic Canons
~Ballista (Giant Crossbows)
~Spikes that retract, ability to ram others with

Items that Must Be Purchased
Bellow is a list of items that must be bought in order to add them to your ship.


~Missles {Can be, heat seaking, radar giuded, etc. (None nuclear) }
~Machine Guns
~Cloud Runners (Small sky ships akin to earth's wave runners or snow mobiles, can be armed with machine guns.)
~Radar Jammers
~Heat/Radar Absorbing and Reflecting paint (Absorbs the Radar waves while reflecting any heat the ship may gives off fooling these two detection devices)

Dectection Devices
~Heat Sensative Scanners/Cameras
~Secerity Cameras
~Alarm System

Propulsion System
~Advanced Thruster (Can run for two years without needing Refeuling)
~Untilamte Thruster (needs no refeuling)

(can change at anytime)
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