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Steva: High Country

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Twin Peaks

The two largest mountains in Steva's mountain range, the Twin Peaks rise higher the that of mount Everest, disappearing into the clouds high above. To this day no sky ship has been able to fly over them, with the lack of oxygen and the strong winds it is impossible for an open air plane such as the ships used on Sterhera cannot clear them. Surrounded by jagged mountains and canyons this area is the most naturally protected area of Sterhera
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Twin Keep

Built in the cliffs of Twin Peaks, Twin keep is unreachable from the land bellow. Glistening white stone gleams as the morning sun rises from the south, carved out of the very heart of the mountain these towering buildings, stand out like a jewel in the summer, seeming to completely vanish in the winter save for the human in habitation, fires lanterns, and the constant traffic of traders and villagers as the go about their business. Precarious paths that can be scaled and descended by the natives like mountain goats scale a sheer cliffs that lead down to the farmland bellow that rests on high buttes. A river that carves the main canyon along with the ever present snow provides Twin Keep a constant source of water. Stone bridges link each part of Twin Keep together, the largest part of the city is built on both mountains, smaller houses are carved throughout the cliffs. impressive ports made of stone jut out of the side of the mountain offering safe port for the pirate and trade ships that dock here. Smaller flight craft akin to Earth's jet-skies can be seen flying around the peak.
13Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:51 pm
Cairo Saiche Searching for. . . . . something (open)
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Dead Lizard Canyon

The main canyon that leads to Twin Keep, named Dead lizard canyon because even the beasts born to survive in this dangerous place are easily killed. Cliff Jumpers reside in the tombs the ancient civilization before Steva created, easily seen because of the bright red paint that marks the small buildings, statues, and caves used by this civilization for tombs. high hurricane force winds rage through this canyon, the mountains and its high walls creating a neutral wind tunnel, only the pilots born here and the ones they teach understand how to safely navigation through this canyon. Far bellow a great river called Rainbow River for the many different colors of rock that surrounds it continues to carve away at the earth making the canyon deeper. Small flying machines akin to Earth's jet-ski or speed boat can be constantly seen flying throughout the canyon as Steva military do their patrols and ensure Argo do not attempt to attack. They had small camps made on the sheer cliffs, hidden skilfully from view.
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Black Range

The mountain range of Steva, its ultimate protection against enemy forces. The Black Range tower high into the sky, like jagged teeth from an ancient vicious beast these mountain furiously attack the unprepared and unwary with gale force winds and raging snow storms. Not only do the forces of nature attack unskilled captain the reptilian acid spitting gliders know as Cliff Jumpers protect their territory fiercely- attacking anything that trespasses with a heartless merciless barrage from their massive flocks.
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Cliff Villages

Carved out of the cliffs, these villages are like impenetrable fortresses only accessible by small hand and foot holds or sky ships. Smaller then Twin Keep these areas are rarely used by the pirates, mostly native people live within their walls harvesting their crops and plants produce by the land.
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