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Tray Daniels

Tray Daniels

Position : Lead Captian of the Jayhawks
Posts : 53
Join date : 2013-01-30
Treasure : 918

PostSubject: THE FIRST HUNT   THE FIRST HUNT I_icon_minitimeFri May 10, 2013 7:41 pm

This is our first official hunt for FAAB, all members are welcome to join in no matter what position their character is it, pirate, government, or civilian all are welcome!.

The Hunted

Today the hunting party will be hunting down a Chimera a winged beast with the heads of a Jackal and a Bobcat, the chest, wings, front legs of an eagle, the back end of a lion with a snake with poisonous fangs for a tail. This beast is extremely territorial and fears no man or beast, it is cunning and can move surprisingly fast and silent for a creature of its size.  Easily large enough for three grown men to rid on comfortably the terrifying beast is powerful and hard to kill, team work and cunning is needed to survive, work together to bring this fearsome creature down.


This Hunt will take place in the Typhoon Forest.


-You must follow all the general rules when role playing a hunt.

-There are only allowed six people besides the creature to role play in a hunt and there will be a list up that you must pm the admin account to sign up for. First comers get the spots.

-If you are not going to be active for the days of the hunt then please don't sign up for it. Being active includes a post per day or as often as your turn comes. (for now this rule will be ignored due to school exams).

-You MUST and absolutely MUST post in order.

-Please be as descriptive as possible with your moves and actions because if your not the next rper won't know what to do.

-Injuries can happen in this hunt. Nothing fatal, but serious is definitely possible.

-We will try to keep the Hunt only two weeks long. So it ends two weeks after the day it starts, if the thread is not finished in this time the hunt will be considered a failure. (again this rule will be ignored, although members are welcome to aim for this goal the role play will go on for 3 weeks.)

-Anyone can partake in these hunts, meaning pirates/government/civilians will all be working together to bring down the Beast. It is one of the few times these people will interact peacefully during large role plays.

-If the hunt is successful the hunters will be awarded special prizes depending on the creature killed, if the hunt fails participates will receive only a few points.

And remember to have fun. These hunts will be hosted at least once a month but extras may be thrown in at random to mix things up a big. So keep your eyes on the announcements.

Message Tray with this form to join the hunt. (2-6 members will be allowed, only one character per member)

Character Name:

The Hunters

-Tray Daniels: Bow and arrows, daggers/hunting knife, swords.
- Aurelia Moon: Bow and arrows, daggers.
-Jacob Marlyn: Many throwing knives
-Avena Denials: Swords, knife
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Tray Daniels

Tray Daniels

Position : Lead Captian of the Jayhawks
Posts : 53
Join date : 2013-01-30
Treasure : 918

PostSubject: Re: THE FIRST HUNT   THE FIRST HUNT I_icon_minitimeMon May 13, 2013 2:21 pm

This thread will be closed in 2 days time (5/15/2013) and the hunt will begin, anyone else who wishes to enter must do so before then!
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Tray Daniels

Tray Daniels

Position : Lead Captian of the Jayhawks
Posts : 53
Join date : 2013-01-30
Treasure : 918

PostSubject: Re: THE FIRST HUNT   THE FIRST HUNT I_icon_minitimeWed May 15, 2013 7:28 pm

The Hunt Thread has been started- Application are no longer allowed the hunt will consist of...


Prizes will be:

-Electro Gun: A gun that has no limit of ammunition, like the electro cannons is fires electricity and can tear a hole in its target, burning and short circuiting electrical wiring and circuits

Pelt- the lion pelt, (Worth 200 treasure)

Feathers- feathers from the Chimera, when ground into powder they had healing abilities

Ivory- fangs and claws that can be sold or traded (Worth 50 Treasure)

Vile of Poison- Poison from the snake head, very potent this poison can kill in minutes.
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PostSubject: Re: THE FIRST HUNT   THE FIRST HUNT I_icon_minitime

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